

Service is Always in Season at SNIPS

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Starting off the New Year

I am not one to start a New Years resolution that I won’t stick to it. This year I am giving myself goals to achieve and reasons why I need to achieve these goals both in my business life and personal life.

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At Snips we are busy also starting to prepare to reach the pre 2014 summer season goals. We are still busy with snow removal services and so I also have to make sure that I don’t put things too far to reach and accomplish nothing.  One of my main goals is to have my shop and office organized to achieve greater efficiency. I have done research on the best practices and ideas and actually came up with a sketch of where everything in the shop is to go. This helps to be able to complete one shelf at a time and in the event of a snow storm, I am not left with a shop that looks like a hurricane has hit it. I must say it has been actually the start of something wonderful. I am 4 shelves in and everydayhappy to see the organization system that even a child would be able to use and understand. To look at the whole picture is completely overwhelming – but I am excited to say I’m halfway there.

I am very optimistic for what 2014 has in store. I still have my sights set on big goals but my many mini goals are helping me to keep pushing forward.  Happy New Year and cheers to your dreams and goals!

Kristi Montovani
General Manager

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